Audiobook Narrator

Tell Me Who You Are by Winona Guo and Priya Vulchi
"You did a wonderful job, Elizabeth. You breathed truth and life into some amazing and very personal stories. I hope we get the chance to work together again.”
-Kevin Thomsen, Audiobook Director of Tell Me Who You Are
Excerpt (best on Safari or Chrome):

The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume 11, edited by Jonathan Strahan
“A Salvaging of Ghosts”
“Touring with the Alien”
“Everyone from Themis Sends Letters Home” (Samara)
“Terminal” (Mei)
Excerpt (”Terminal” - best on Safari or Chrome):

The Good Son by You-Jeong Jeong, translated by Chi-Young Kim
"Narrator Elizabeth Liang gives us his mother's thoughts as recorded in her diary, using a rich voice that details various dilemmas."
-M.R. © AudioFile 2018
Excerpt (best on Safari or Chrome):

Água Viva by Clarice Lispector
“Beautiful narration. Liang clarifies and elevates what otherwise might be Lispector at her most inscrutable.”
-Audible Reviewer

The Call to Unite: Voices of Hope and Awakening Edited by Tim Shriver and Tom Rosshirt
Narrated “The Fear and the Panic” (Courtney Meadows) | “Our Children Are Watching Us” (Yang Lan) | “A Chance to Start Anew” (Eva Longoria) | “There Will Be Heard Again the Voice of Mirth” (Jessica Sanchez) | “Our Only Chance to Triumph” (Sister Norma Pimentel) | “When Their Needs Become Real to Us” (Joan P.) | “Put Them in the Front” (Dr. Antonia Novello)
Excerpts (best on Safari or Chrome):Courtney Meadows | Yang Lan | Jessica Sanchez | Dr. Antonia Novello

Secrets of Worry Dolls by Amy Impellizzeri
Narrated entire novel

Oak Flat: A Fight for Sacred Land in the American West by Lauren Redniss
Narrated POV of Theresa Nosie

The Unforgottten: A Novella by Julia Ballerini
Narrated entire novella
More Audiobook Narration Samples: