“Lisa is an incredible speaker...her words really resonate.”

- International Women’s Day event at Peapod Digital Labs

Photo by Bailey Yoo Rim Steinbach

Book me to spark and move your audience via insightful talks & engaging workshops that bring real connection.

Global Speaking

I present keynote addresses, lectures, & filmmaker talk-backs on autobiographical storytelling, intersectionality, the Third Culture Kid & Mixed Race experiences, intercultural competence, empathy, and the creative process. Some of my past presentations: 

Keynote & Guest Artist/Speaker
︎ NAFSA Region XII “Lunch & Learn” Series
︎  Families in Global Transition (FIGT)
︎  Peapod Digital Labs
︎  US Embassy (Panama)
︎  Tjarnarbíó (Iceland)
︎  SIETAR Europa (Spain)
︎  International schools in Panama & Singapore
︎  World Bank Family Network
︎  IMF Family Association
︎  Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
︎  ....scroll down to see more clients

At Conferences & Colleges/Universities
︎  Critical Mixed Race Studies (CMRS) Conference
︎  Women Playwrights International Conference (South Africa)
︎  NAFSA Region XII Conference

︎  Lewis & Clark TCK Symposium
︎  Race Amity National Conference
︎ Princeton University

︎  M.I.T. 
︎  Wellesley College
︎  University of Chicago

︎  ...scroll down to see more clients

Keynotes, filmmaker talkbacks, and workshops can be custom-designed.

To book me as a speaker, click here.

“The Transformative Power of Telling Our Intersectional Stories”
Clips from Keynote for Peapod Digital Labs on International Women’s Day

Keynotes & Presentations

The Transformative Power of Telling Our Intersectional Stories
This talk clarifies the difference between intersectionality and the intersections of identity, then highlights how telling both kinds of stories can resonate with countless people across the globe. I demonstrate how sharing our intersectional stories can foster empathy, connect us to one another, and support the creation of more compassionate workplaces and a more just society. This can only help us at a terribly disconnected, contentious time. An excellent talk for events focusing on DEI&B, women, interculturalism, and/or international education.

The Resonance of Intercultural Stories
This talk highlights how intercultural stories validate the experiences of countless people. My film Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey is used as an example of the transformative power of intercultural, intersectional, and inclusive storytelling. I weave together clips from the film, thought-provoking ideas about intercultural upbringing and creativity, and personal reflections on making Alien Citizen. As a first-time filmmaker yet seasoned performer, I offer a unique perspective on the possibilities of intercultural creative expression and how we can honor and include diverse people’s stories. The talk also shows how Alien Citizen resonates for people who are not intercultural because the story reveals human truths with which they can empathize. Thus, intercultural storytelling connects different people in ways they don’t often expect. An affecting presentation for DEI&B within an international context.

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey - Filmmaker Talk-back
Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey is the award-winning film of a funny and moving one-woman show about growing up in the intersections of identity, as a dual citizen of mixed heritage in Central America, North Africa, the Middle East, and New England.
After the screening, my lively and engaging talk-back helps participants learn more about Third Culture Kid (TCK) and Cross-Cultural Kid (CCK) issues and at the same time learn about the processes of filmmaking, theatremaking, and intercultural storytelling in general.

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey

Who are you when you’re from everywhere and nowhere?
Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey is my internationally toured one-woman show, which has been retired and is now a film on DVD and HD (streamable). Written & Performed by Elizabeth Liang. Directed by Sofie Calderon.

Filmmaker talk-back with Hillsborough Community College

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey excerpt

“The Transformative Power of Telling Our Intersectional Stories”
Clips from Keynote for Peapod Digital Labs on International Women’s Day

“How can the visual and performing arts support students through their school transitions?” A talk for the Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) Symposium.

To book me as a speaker, click here.


-Lauren, Peapod Digital Labs
“So great!”
-Kate, Peapod Digital Labs

"Funny, poignant, and sharp, with a sophisticated analysis of the intersections of identity.”
-Wendy Laura Belcher, Ph.D., Professor of African Literature, Department of African American Studies and Department of Comparative Literature, Princeton University

“I absolutely loved the talk - I think it really resonated with so many people that their stories are worth telling and being heard. There was humor, but a lot of truth and complex topics. It was very genuine.
-Elizabeth V.O., Peapod Digital Labs

Absolutely amazing... People loved it!”
-Smitha Radhakrishnan, Associate Professor of Sociology, Luella LaMer Associate Professor of Women's Studies, Wellesley College

“It was profound for all of us...brings laughter and tears to anyone who has lived this life or knows others who have.”
-Ruth Van Reken, author of Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds

click for more testimonials
“Engaging, poignant and entertaining... How refreshing your voice is, how interesting (even educational).”
-Marilyn Tokuda, former Arts Education Director, East West Players

“I was blown away!”
-Thomas Lopez, Founder, Latinas and Latinos of Mixed Ancestry (LOMA)

“She is an incredibly captivating speaker.”
-Hadas, Peapod Digital Labs

“This was a very enlightening talk!”
-Katharine Fitzgerald, NAFSA Region XII

“Lisa did an amazing job discussing her experience and I found it very valuable.”
-Elizabeth L.C., Peapod Digital Labs

“This was a powerful discussion. Much of content I found relatable to things in my own life.”
-LaSharon, NAFSA Region XII

“Excellent! It's important to understand intersectionality vs. intersections of identity and how deep it goes.”
-Traci, Peapod Digital Labs

“I really liked how engaging Lisa was, even over Zoom (and without a dialogue-based structure).”
-Phoebe, NAFSA Region XII

“Incredibly moving and so relevant for any workspace...delivery was funny, touching and brave.
-Attendee, Peapod Digital Labs

"I really think your workshop teaches a skillset that would serve any person, but especially any creative person, regardless of the discipline. I just think the applicability of this to any form of expression is so palpable."
-Jennifer Rosenfeld, Educator/Coach, ArtsMBA 

Past keynotes, presentations, and workshops:

To book me as a speaker, click here
or fill out my booking form below. 

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